Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Excel”
Haimer Repair, Doom and Vise Jaws Part 3
Finish the top side of the vise job and show how to fix the ATC after forgetting to turn on the air.
First CNC chips on the mill and DNC Controller
First chips and using the Ausys Titan DNC controller via RS-232 for drip feed, programming, and downloading parameters.
ATC Troubleshooting on the Excel VMC.
Troubleshooting one of he last items on my check sheet before machining. The automatic tool changer.
Vertical CNC Mill First Power up.
I hooked up three phase power from an American Rotary AD-20 phase converter to the new to me Excel PMC vertical cnc mill. Repairs were made to the machine’s door slide and inital Fanuc troubleshooting of a servo drive error ended up being a fiber optic cable that had disconnected during shipping.